Military & Law Enforcement
Karrimor SF has developed an outstanding reputation for working closely with many of the world’s leading Defence and Security organisations. Karrimor SF is heavily involved in designing, developing and delivering many first class load carriage solutions to the frontline warfighter and security operator. With 100s of thousands of our systems in use worldwide we cover a diverse range of end user defined solutions including individual hydration systems, grab bags, 60mm mortar carriers, electronic counter measures (ECM) packs, radio and comms packs, patrol packs, specialists satellite packs, large packs, air crew survival packs and others.
We are able to design and deliver solutions for many problems in multiple different environments.

Karrimor SF is traditionally known for producing rucksacks and load carriage systems for military and law enforcement units; however our capabilities reach much further than this. Our expertise is in understanding the relationship between the physical structure of a human being and the load that needs to be carried while evaluating the environment it will be used in. The initial design concept will involve our team gaining a full understanding of the requirements of the project in order to appreciate the impact of weight distribution, integration with other pieces of equipment and of course where the product will be used.
Quality is what we are about. To ensure that load carriage products are durable in relation to manufacture, materials and potential design flaws, we regularly perform QA testing both on materials and finished products. This ensures that problems in these areas are identified as early as possible so that
improvements can be made if necessary. Designs are evaluated to ensure that they are optimised for production line manufacture.
We regularly review the quality of our products, to make improvements where possible and to re-evaluate them in the light of developments made in other products. The company focus on product durability and quality manufacture means that any defects in design, manufacture or materials identified are quickly resolved.

Karrimor SF are experienced in managing the supply chain in a structured way to ensure that customer requirements are fully met. Close relationships with our suppliers helps maintain confidence levels and deliver flexibility whilst fostering an integrated and proactive approach. The specification of components, materials, manufacturing and logistics utilised in its own Karrimor SF range of load carriage equipment has equipped the company to manage the supply chain effectively. Our experience and management of the supply chain has allowed us to successfully deliver our sub-contracted part of programmes such as BOWMAN as well as direct prime contracts with the MOD. Our objective in all cases is to deliver the requirement to the customer as specified and to agreed delivery dates. We continue to seek (through management of its suppliers) to maximise the benefits of a competitive market to deliver best value to the customer whilst conforming to agreed specifications.