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What is a Grab Bag and why would you need one? There’s a loud, urgent banging on your front door. The doorbell rings, over and over. You fumble to turn the light-switch on, pull on a pair of jeans, stumble...
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Our brand ambassador Justin Miles is also a #GetOutside ambassador for the Ordnance Survey and right now he's helping people - families - to find ways to enjoy the great British countryside whilst respecting the rules and guidelines set out...
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Outdoor life may look very different right now, but the spirit is still very much alive. With the Coronavirus crisis gripping most of the world, outdoor life for many of us has ground to an almost complete stop. Citizens of...
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Borne is a wonderful orgnanisation which was created to prevent preterm birth. The Karrimor SF team have known Dean Mumm for some years now, having met him during his time as captain with Exeter Chiefs. Dean & his wife Sarah...
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The KarrimorSF team, including our brand ambassador Justin Miles, practice and endorse the ‘Leave No Trace’ ethos when we’re enjoying outdoor and wild spaces. “Leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but photographs and memories.” ‘Leave No Trace’, or #LNT...
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