In the dynamic world of tactical and outdoor gear, innovations continually emerge to enhance functionality and adaptability and when it comes to load carrying equipment, Karrimor SF are usually right at the front.. One such game-changer is the MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) system. Originally developed for military use, MOLLE has transcended its roots and become a staple in various fields, revolutionising how individuals carry and organise their equipment.
The MOLLE system, conceptualised in the late 1990s, represented a significant departure from traditional load-bearing equipment. Developed by Natick Soldier Research, Development, and Engineering Center, the system’s primary objective was to address the limitations of fixed pouch configurations, providing users with a more modular and customisable solution.
At the heart of MOLLE’s innovation is its modular design. The system features a grid of webbing (PALS – Pouch Addable Ladder System), typically made of durable nylon, sewn onto backpacks, vests, and other equipment. This grid allows users to attach various pouches, holsters, and accessories securely using MOLLE-compatible straps and fasteners. The result is a customisable and rapidly changeable load-carrying solution that adapts to the specific needs of the user.
MOLLE is a universal system. That means that if your pack, vest, bag or whatever is rigged with PALS webbing to accept MOLLE, then Karrimor SF general or specialist MOLLE accessories will be compatible.
Initially adopted by military forces, the versatility of the MOLLE system quickly gained recognition within emergency services and in the civilian market. Outdoor enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and emergency responders embraced MOLLE for its adaptability in a wide range of scenarios. Backpacks, vests, and even medical kits equipped with MOLLE allow users to configure their gear layout based on the demands of the adventure, mission or activity. For military and law enforcement professionals, the MOLLE system is a tactical dream. It facilitates the strategic arrangement of essential equipment, ensuring quick access to mission-critical items. From ammunition pouches, to life-saving IA pouches, to pouches for communication devices, the modular nature of MOLLE empowers users to configure their loadouts with precision, optimising efficiency and effectiveness in the field. Beyond the battlefield, MOLLE has found a place in the everyday carry (EDC) community. Backpacks with webbing for MOLLE accessories provide urban adventurers and commuters with a customisable platform to organise gadgets, tools, and personal items. This adaptability has transformed the way individuals approach preparedness and organisation in their daily lives.
Initially adopted by military forces, the versatility of the MOLLE system quickly gained recognition within emergency services and in the civilian market. Outdoor enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and emergency responders embraced MOLLE for its adaptability in a wide range of scenarios. Backpacks, vests, and even medical kits equipped with MOLLE allow users to configure their gear layout based on the demands of the adventure, mission or activity.
For military and law enforcement professionals, the MOLLE system is a tactical dream. It facilitates the strategic arrangement of essential equipment, ensuring quick access to mission-critical items. From ammunition pouches, to life-saving IA pouches, to pouches for communication devices, the modular nature of MOLLE empowers users to configure their loadouts with precision, optimising efficiency and effectiveness in the field.
Beyond the battlefield, MOLLE has found a place in the everyday carry (EDC) community. Backpacks with webbing for MOLLE accessories provide urban adventurers and commuters with a customisable platform to organise gadgets, tools, and personal items. This adaptability has transformed the way individuals approach preparedness and organisation in their daily lives.
As technology advances, so does the material science behind MOLLE. Karrimor SF now utilises high-tech, lightweight materials, such as laser-cut nylon, to maintain strength and durability while reducing overall weight. As an example, the Modi 15 and Magni 25 packs in our Nordic range use laser-cut MOLLE panels to increase load carrying capacity and flexibility whilst maintaining light weight. This continual innovation ensures that MOLLE remains at the forefront of gear customisation.
The MOLLE system has undeniably left an indelible mark on the world of tactical and outdoor gear. Its modular design, adaptability, and versatility have transformed the way individuals approach carrying equipment.
From military operations to outdoor adventures and everyday life, MOLLE continues to be a symbol of innovation, providing users with the tools they need to face the challenges of the modern age. As technology advances and user needs evolve, the MOLLE system is likely to remain a cornerstone in the ever-changing landscape of gear customisation.
Packs in the Karrimor SF Predator and Nordic ranges are fitted with webbing for MOLLE, and we have a PLCE MOLLE panel available for users of our PLCE compatible packs, such as the Karrimor SF Sabre 45 and others.